Sunday, 23 October 2011

Most Conscientious Town Councillor

Newly elected in May 2011, Cllr Margaret Allingham has achieved a 100% attendance record in her first six months as a councillor.  According to the published minutes, she has attended not just the six meetings of full council, but all fourteen meetings of the two committees she has joined.

A total of seven councillors have attended all six full council meetings, but Cllr Allingham is the only one to have a 100% record on all committees as well.  Cllr Ray Worley has attended 19 out of a total of 20 meetings and is in second place.

Unlike borough and county councillors, town councillors are not paid  an allowance, but if they were Margaret and Ray would be giving excellent value for money.

Attendance Record at Full Council May to October 2011

Allingham, Margaret100%(6)
Baynes, Sheila67%(4)
Bloom, Caitlin50%(3)
Bloom, Louise83%(5)
Clarke, Daniel83%(5)
Corben, Helen83%(5)
Day, Keith100%(6)
Garton, Cynthia100%(6)
Hicks, Pearl50%(3)
Houghton, Val100%(6)
House, Keith50%(3)
Hughes, JennyAnn67%(4)
Hughes, Peter100%(6)
Humby, David67%(4)
Kyrle, Rupert83%(5)
Pretty, Derek100%(6)
Sthankiya, Shankerlal50%(3)
Tennent, Bruce67%(4)
Watson, June50%(3)
Welsh, Jane83%(5)
Worley, Ray100%(6)

Combined attendance record at full council and committees
Allingham, Margaret2020100%
Baynes, Sheila101471%
Bloom, Caitlin5956%
Bloom, Louise 8989%
Clarke , Daniel7978%
Corben, Helen 171989%
Day, Keith141593%
Garton, Cynthia151883%
Hicks, Pearl4944%
Houghton, Val 131587%
House, Keith41040%
Hughes, JennyAnn71164%
Hughes, Peter 172085%
Humby, David 811 73%
Kyrle, Rupert 5683%
Pretty, Derek 111861%
Sthankiya, Shankerlal122255%
Tennent, Bruce4667%
Watson, June81553%
Welsh, Jane101567%
Worley, Ray192095%

Committees included are Highways and Planning (9 meetings), Community and Culture (3 meetings), Recreation and Amenities (5 meetings) and Finance and Administration (4 meetings).

Full Council includes Annual General Meeting.

(Photo credit - Hedge End Town Council)


  1. Strange - Cllr Allingham may attend meetings but doesn't ever answer her mail from residents. I wrote to her personally asking her views on the proposed housing developments for the area and she couldn't even be bothered to reply. I also asked that my views were represented and they weren't. Just because people attend meetings doesn't mean they are any good at being councillors.

  2. I am beginning to think that local Lib Dems have been under party instruction not to reply to individual enquiries about the housing plans. I don't know anybody who has had a reply when emailing individual councillors and from my own experience, I have not had replies from three councillors or from our MP.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Talking about value for money, how many borough members do you reckon are in the LGPS Keith? Is take up widespread?

    I am surprised you didn't know TC & PC members are unpaid Ray...was your E-petition based on the misapprehension that some members might be getting double or triple allowances?

  5. Re Keith Day's comment: it just goes to show how under represented we, the electorate, are by one Party who dictates to individual councillors how they should act. I would have thought that common courtesy and professionalism would at least elicit a response even to the effect that 'I am gagged by my 'open and honest' political party'! As it is these 'elected representatives of the people' clearly have no integrity and as a result, we have no representation.

  6. Stephen, No idea about take up of LGPS I'm afraid.

  7. oh well, I guess I'd better email them all and ask...
