Friday 6 October 2023

What do you think about HGVs driving through Hedge End?


Picture of HGV at Hedge End traffic lights
Should HGVs use Hedge End as a through route?
Restricting heavy good vehicles in Hedge End village

As a resident of Hedge End Village living on Lower Northam Road neighbours and I hear heavy lorries running through the village all day and night

We would like to petition the council to make restrictions on the types of vehicles that can access the village. We recommend that heavy goods vehicles should avoid using the village as a through route. If there is a delivery needed then this should be permitted. 

The village centre is a hub of activity with children crossing for school and all members of the public. To help us better understand whether this is good suggestion we are asking residents to provide feedback by completing our survey.

This week's blog post comes to you from one of Hedge End Labour Party's campaign team, Andrew Merewether-Helps. Andrew lives on Lower Northam Road so knows about this problem first hand. 

Do you support his idea for a petition to the council? Why not let us know in the comments to this blog or at